How To Delete Instagram Call History Permanently in Android & Iphone

Step by step process To Delete Instagram Call History Permanently. How To Delete Instagram Call History in Android mobile phone. How to Make Voice Calls on Instagram. Delete call history instagram iphone

Delete Instagram Call History

Missing out on Instagram is missing a big part of life. The platform is the world’s best free online photo and video sharing app. The social platform is non-discriminatory and accommodates celebrities, youth, business entrepreneurs, family and friends. The majority of Instagram users utilize the app to share fun videos, game challenges, business adverts and more. The app has developed from short videos to a live streaming service.

Instagram registers millions of active users yearly, especially since merging with Facebook. Today Instagram users can post videos and images and feature the same on Facebook. This helps in fast sharing and visibility on social media contacts. Instagram account Users can make audio and video calls to reach friends and family worldwide. The process is simple and secure as no data is exposed to the other party.

For safety, one can delete their call log history on their accounts. However, Instagram call only works if you follow the other person. You cannot call anyone if they don’t follow you and vice versa.

How To Delete Instagram Call History

How to Make Voice Calls on Instagram

Steps to make a voice call on Instagram

  • Open your Instagram app on your mobile or computer device.
  • Enter your login credentials and press the “messenger” tab on the homepage.
  • Search for the contact you wish to call and open their profile.
  • Next, click the “phone” icon to start the call.

How to Make a Video Call on Instagram Using Android and IOS Devices

The video call helps the user to view the other party using the front phone camera.

  • Get the Instagram app on your device.
  • Next, enter your login credentials to access the account.
  • Click the “messenger/airplane tab on the homepage.
  • Look for the friend or contact you wish to make the video call to from the search bar.
  • Click the contact’s profile/chat icon to begin the video call.
  • Select the “phone” icon to get an audio call and the “video” tab for a video call.

How To Delete Instagram Call History

Step by step to delete Instagram call history. After making calls, one can delete the history in the following steps:

  1. Go to the Instagram app on your mobile phone
  2. Select the “chat” tab or swipe right to left to open the “message” option.
  3. Click the “calls” tab to open the call log on the screen
  4. Next, long-press the call you want to delete.
  5. Now, click the “delete” option to complete the process.

Deleting Instagram Calls from inside the chat

Deleting individual call logs or call history inside a chat is challenging. The whole chat will be permanently deleted if one opts to delete the history.

  • Open the Instagram app and enter your credentials.
  • Select the “chats” option to proceed.
  • Next, long-press the chat you wish to delete.
  • Select the “delete” button to remove the details on the chat.

How to Enable the Disappearing Feature or Vanish Mode

Instagram account users can use the vanish mode to delete any call or message after the recipient reads the message.

  • Visit the Instagram app on your smartphone.
  • Go to the message tab and select the specific chat.
  • Click the chat header and enter the profile details.
  • The system will display the “vanish mode” feature on the screen.
  • Review the details and “enable it.”


  1. Can I call anyone whom I am not following on Instagram?

    No, the user can only call people they follow or those who follow them.