Easy Steps to change Mobile Number in TNPDS Ration Card and Address Change in TNPDS Ration Card & How to Add/Link Mobile Number to Ration Card Tamil Nadu at Tnpds.gov.in
Tamil Nadu state residents have advanced from the manual ration card to digitalized TNPDS smart card. The system collects individual demographic data and provides the user with subsidized food commodities. TNPDS is available to all Tamil Nadu permanent residents regardless of their caste and economic ability. Citizens can apply for the new smart card through the official TNPDS website or by visiting local TNPDS offices. The registration process requires a few details like mobile number, address, applicant’s name, Aadhaar card, income details, and more.
To ensure a smooth and accurate transition Tamil Nadu government provides applicants chances to review their ration card application. This will help the user to edit, add or change any details. TNPDS ration cardholders have the privilege to change their mobile number and address, add or remove a name from the card. The process is applicable through the TNPDS (Tamil Nadu Public Distribution System) website.
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Services Under the TNPDS Smart Card Portal
Tamil Nadu residents can check the following services under the TNPDS portal.
- Edit, update/change mobile number, and address.
- Adding or removing family member(s) name.
- Changing the head of the family’s name.
- Ration card cancellation
- Changing sugar car to rice card.
The user can change the following details on their card using the TNPDS portal without visiting the department offices.
TNPDS Ration Card
Benefits of Adding a Mobile number in TNPDS Ration Card
A mobile number is pretty significant for your ration card application. It’s a communication channel connecting users and the government.
- The cardholder will receive notification about their ration card.
- It’s easy to trace transactions and available balance using a mobile number.
- The users can avail family member details on their mobile phone.
- The number helps in registering or downloading the TNPDS app on a smartphone.
- The mobile number allows card users to edit or add any information on the card.
- TN government will use the number to communicate details like prices, the weight of commodities, and other government incentives.
How to Access Services and Commodities Using a Mobile Number
Smart card users can use their mobile number to avail information as follows.
- Information about commodities at the ration card shops/fair price shops.
SMS: PDS <space>101.
- How to know if shops are open or closed.
SMS PDS <space>102
- Sending a complaint.
SMS: PDS <space>107
- For any enquiry, the user can send an SMS to 9980904040.
TNPDS Mobile Number Change
Process for TNPDS Ration Card correction (mobile number change)
- Visit the TNPDS website portal via the link https://www.tnpds.gov.in/
- Go to the beneficiary login option to open a new page.
- Enter your mobile number and select the “send OTP” option.
- The system will send an OTP code to your registered mobile number.
- Enter the code to authenticate the details and click the login button.
- Select the “edit” option indicated next to smart card details.
- Here the user can change mobile number or address using the edit icon.
- Editing your old mobile number and enter your new number to proceed.
- Next, upload scanned proof documents for any change you made.
- Review the information and click submit button.
- The page will provide a reference number to help in the application status check and future references.
The process allows user to edit their address, mobile number, or any other editable detail on the card. The user must click the “edit” icon next to the smart card details. However, one must present proof documents to show the information is genuine.
Can I change my mobile number using TNPDS mobile app?
Yes, the process is similar to the website details as indicated above.
Who is eligible for TNPDS smart card?
The TNPDS smart card or Ration card is available to all Tamil Nadu residents regardless of caste or economic status. The government provides different TNPDS ration cards to each provide particular benefits.