K2 Challan Generation | Khajane 2 Login at K2.karnataka.gov.in/K2/

K2 Challan Generation Khajane 2 Login: Khajane 2 (treasury) Challan Generate Remittances of G.I.S /K.G.I.D 2024 at ಖಜಾನೆ-2 2024 https://k2.karnataka.gov.in/K2/

K2 Challan

The treasury sector is the most significant section of the government. All funds are accounted for in the treasury. Central and state governments rely on the treasury to fund projects, pay employees, and other developments. Any discrepancy in this department might cost the whole state. To ensure transparency and accountability are upheld. The Karnataka state government has implemented online services for treasury matters.3

Khajane 2

The current times require a digitally transformed government that keeps proper records. All funds should be traced and directed to the right projects. The Khajane 2 is the new online treasury system portal. It’s also referred to as an online treasury system. All Karnataka treasury details are contained in the Khajane system for proper recording.

The new Khajane system has connected 216 treasuries of Karnataka state in one single portal. The treasuries share the same server as the secretariat office of the state. These will help in updating the keeping records on every monetary detail.

K2 Challan Generation

The Khajane 2 website was designed to consolidate all treasury information. It’s fast to access and retrieve details. The system is significant as it helps the government of Namma Khajane to receive all account details and transactions. These promote discipline in the treasury sector reducing corruption cases.

There is a reduction in corruption, information duplication, and lack of accountability in the government. The system also contains details about pensioner’s payment from the treasury.


K2 Challan Generation

What are the Functions of Namma Khajane 2?

K2 is an exclusive software develop by the CMS, which is a Company concerning TATA industries. The Karnataka treasury handles and manages accounts for the state government. It also handles all payments done on behalf of the Karnataka government. The system contains receipts, stamps, pension details, and deposits. The K2 system also caters for the following functions:

  • Payments
  • Returns
  • House maintenance.
  • Accounts
  • Stamps and strong room.
  • Pension
  • Receipt
  • Deposit
  • Social security pensions
  • Housekeeping

Khajane 2 Challan Generation 2024 Process

The citizen/Department users such as DDO and caseworkers can open the Khajane -2 website. Using the link https://k2.karnataka.gov.in

  • The portal will open select the citizen link.
  • Next, click the tab generate Challan link. The Challan generation form will show on the screen.
  • Now enter all mandatory details such as:

Remitter details:

  • First and last name
  • Address

Department details

Enter the department and DDO information as follows:


For the category section, select “government” from the menu.


Choose your district from the menu.


Click on the Karnataka Government insurance department KGID.

  • DDO office
  • DDO code.

Purpose details

For the remittance towards the Employees group insurance scheme EGIS. Enter the following details on the portal.


Select the option employee’s group insurance scheme.

  • HoA
  • Sub purpose
  • Amount.

If the remittance is towards the KGID insurance premium, enter the following section’s details.

  • Purpose: KGID
  • HoA
  • Sub-purpose
  • Amount.

Enter the same details if the remittance is for family benefit funds of Karnataka government employees or municipal.

  • After checking the remittance details and following some of the above sections, the applicant needs to select the payment mode.
  • The portal will provide several options such as Cash, Cheque, draft, or e-payment.
  • Once the payment process is done, the system will generate a reference number.


  1. What is the purpose of the K2 website portal?

    The CMS developed the Khajane -2 portal to help manage the treasury details of Karnataka state.

  2. What kind of details are found on the K2 portal?

    Users can access information about receipts, stamps, pension details, and deposits. The K2 system also has details on payments, pension, housekeeping, stamp, strong room, etc.