Parivarik Labh – Rastriya Parivarik Labh Yojana Application, Status Check राष्ट्रीय पारिवारिक लाभ योजना at

राष्ट्रीय पारिवारिक लाभ योजना (समाज कल्याण विभाग): Parivarik Labh Yojana 2024 (National Family Benefit Scheme 2024) Rastriya parivarik labh yojana check status at

Parivarik Labh

The death of any family member has a great impact on the whole family. However, the demise of the head of the family has a more significant impact. The majority of families become financially unstable and lead to more challenges in life. The government has implement schemes that cater to such families. The Parivarik Labh Yojana is an exclusive social scheme that helps families who lost their families and face difficulties. The beneficiaries will receive Rs. 30,000 financial assistance to cater for basic needs. This applies to both urban and rural beneficiaries.

Eligibility Criteria

The social scheme is available for the Uttar Pradesh state citizens only. The UP Social Welfare Department is responsible for the Rastriya Parivarik Labh Yojana scheme. The first phase received Rs. 20,000. However, new amendments (2013) were established, providing beneficiaries with Rs. 30,000. The scheme cover families from BPL or financially backward families in UP.

  • Permanent residents of UP state.
  • Applicable for low-income families who lose their head of the family.
  • The head of the family should be 18 years to 60 years.
  • Families from the BPL category can apply for the scheme.
  • The annual income for families in urban centres should be Rs. 56,000. For rural area applicant, the yearly income should be Rs. 46,000.
  • Suppose the annual incomes of the applicant family is above the said amount. They are not eligible for the scheme.
  • The applicant family should have an operation bank account.

Benefits of राष्ट्रीय पारिवारिक लाभ योजना

  • The scheme benefits low-income families in UP state who are financially unstable. They will receive Rs—30,000 from the government.
  • The families can start businesses and fund their daily livelihood.
  • The application form is approved after 45 days, and once approved, the user will receive the funds.
  • No manual process is required as applicants can use the online platform. The money is deposited into the beneficiary’s bank account.
  • The funds are deposited in once and benefit both rural and urban families.

The Uttar Pradesh government designs Parivarik Labh Yojana. It has significantly helped thousands of families survive. Applicant can visit the official website link The scheme is open to all eligible applicants in the state.

Required Documents

  • Aadhaar number.
  • Applicant’s identity card.
  • A recent passport size photo.
  • A residence certificate.
  • An active bank account passbook.
  • A copy of the income certificate.
  • The death certificate of the head of the family.
  • Proof documents for the age of head of the family.
  • Operation mobile number.

Application Guidelines

  • The applicant should fill all mandatory parts of the form in English.
  • The scheme only allows for National level bank accounts.
  • Applicants using Co-operative bank accounts are not varied.
  • The tehsil should issue the income certificate.
  • Applicants should
  • only submit correct or valid information.
  • Upload all copies of the required documents while applying.
  • The death certificate should be from a recognized hospital.
  • Applicant passport photo shouldn’t be more than 20KB and should be in JPEG.
  • All certificates uploaded should not exceed 20KV Pdf format.

How to Apply for Parivarik Labh Yojana (राष्ट्रीय पारिवारिक लाभ योजना)

All applicants must register before applying for the social scheme.

  1. Visit the Parivarik Labh (पारिवारिक लाभ योजना) website portal
  2. On the homepage, select the option “new registration or click here to apply new.”
  3. Next, select the following details:
    • District 
    • Resident: urban or rural. 
  4. Proceed and fill in the following details:
    • Applicant’s name
    • Gender
    • Father or husband’s name. 
    • Applicant’s category. 
    • Type of identity card 
    • Applicant’s identification serial number. 
    • Upload a copy of your identity card. 
    • Family’s annual income. 
    • The income certificate number and application number. 
    • User’s telephone number and mobile number. 

Bank Account Details

  • The Bank name
  • Bank branch
  • IFSC code
  • Applicants saving account number. 
  • Bank passbook.

Detail of the Deceased

  • The name of the deceased.
  • Name of the father or husband of the late.
  • Death certificate number.
  • Date of issue of the death certificate.
  • Date of death and cause.
  • The age of the deceased based on the date of death.
  •  The occupation of the late.
  • Relationship with the applicant.
  • Now upload the death certificate, signature and income certificate.
  • Proof documents about the age of the deceased.
  • Next, enter the captcha code on the space provided.
  • Read the declaration form and tick to agree on the Parivarik Labh Yojana online form. 
  • Recheck all the details and click the “submit” option.

How to Check Parivarik Labh Application Status

  1. Visit the Rastriya Parivarik Labh Yojana website page.
  2. Select the option “application form status (click here to know the status of application form).”
  3. Next, enter the district and account number or registration number.
  4. Finally, click the “search” button.

How can the admin login पारिवारिक लाभ योजना Website?

To admin login through the scheme portal, the user can follow the steps below.

  • Go to the Rastriya Parivarik Labh Yojana website page. 
  • On the homepage, click the option “district social welfare officer/SDM login.”
  • Enter the following options:
    • Officer
    • District
    • Password
    • Captcha code.
  • Next, select the login button to complete the process.

How to View the District Wise details for Beneficiaries

  • Navigate to the official website page and click “district wise details of beneficiaries (approved beneficiaries). 
  • The system will open the district wise beneficiary list.
  • Enter the following details:
    • Tehsil
    • District
    • Blocks
    • Panchayat
  • The system will display the list on the screen.

The Download Process for the government order in the Parivarik Labh Yojana portal

  • Open the official website page Parivarik Labh Yojana
  • Next, click the “government order” button from the homepage. 
  • Now click the download button to complete the process.

Important Guidelines in Rastriya Parivarik Labh Yojana website Download

  1. Open the Parivarik Labh Yojana scheme website page.
  3. Proceed and click the option “important guidelines for filling application form” on the homepage. 
  4. Select the download button to get the form in pdf format.


  1. How can I contact Parivarik Labh Yojana help desk?

    Applicants facing challenges while applying or any other issue can contact support through 1800-4190-001.

  2. What type of bank details are allowed while applying for the scheme benefits?

    The applicant must provide National level bank account information. The scheme doesn’t approve Co-operative bank account.