Overview of Samagra ID, the application process, benefits 2024, id search, pension, search by name and eligibility at Samagra Shiksha Portal ID Login at http://samagra.gov.in.
Madhya Pradesh state government has prime consideration for the state citizens. It has ensured all the citizens in the low and underprivileged sectors cater to help them grow in different aspects. They provide citizens to receive welfare schemes, financial services, and government facilities. Madhya Pradesh’s government introduced a scheme by the name Samagra portal here. The people under the poverty line will receive all beneficial government schemes and financial support schemes quickly.

Citizens Fitting The Criteria are:
- The senior citizens.
- The disabled person in society.
- Children
- Widow and widower.
- Women.
The mention people receive financial assistance, direct benefit transfer DBT, social schemes, and other great benefits. The Samagra scheme is also referred to as Samagra Samajik Suraksha Mission (SSSM).
Samagra ID
Facilities under the Samagra website portal
- The samagra family id.
- The samagra Pension portal.
- Samagra family dashboard.
- Samagra Shiksha portal
- Praman portal.
Samagra Portal ID
The state government and the SSSM operating body provide the free login id and password for the Madhya Pradesh eligible applicants. The Samagra id is a unique identification that can never be altered once the applicant registers the Samagra portal.
Types of Samagra Id
The Samagra portal has two types of Samagra id’s which operate the Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukahaya.
Family Id Samagra
The family id Samagra is a unique eight-digit identification issued to serve for your family and will always reflect on the government portal.
Member id
This an exclusive nine-digit permanent id giving to individuals whose family has the family id Samagra.
Schemes under the Samagra id
- The BPL family registration and management system.
- Annapurna scheme/ration/food safety act.
Eligibility Criteria
The Samagra scheme was established to help Madhya Pradesh citizens and ensure they lead a comfortable life accessing some government services. To be eligible, one requires to be a permanent resident of Madhya Pradesh. They should have a domicile certificate and address proof documents.
How to Apply for Samagra ID?
The scheme offers both online and offline application modes; one needs to have several documents such as:
- Your 10th mark sheet.
- Aadhaar card
- Your voter id
- Ration card
- PAN card
- Passport or driving license.
- For disabled individuals, the need disability certificate is used by the medical board.
- Your caste certificate
- Domicile certificate
- Relevant bank account details
Offline procedure
To receive the Samagra id offline, you need to visit the nearest Panchayat or District Panchayat. The officers will help you register and issue the Samagra samagra shiksha abhiyan userid for you and the whole family.
Samagra ID Register Family (Online Method)
- Go to the official Samagra website portal http://samagra.gov.in/.
- On the homepage, click on the option register for your family.
- On clicking the option, enter all required details on the form and select the tab register application. Recheck the details and then click on the submit button.
- The portal will verify the information, and if approved, you can get the SamagraId on the official web portal.
- Download your id for reference
Benefits of the Samagra Scheme
The scheme holds many benefits for Madhya Pradesh state citizens, from the young to the old citizens. They can enjoy the following details.
NREGA Payment
Citizens under this category can receive all funds using the Samagra portal. The portal also provides some job opening, whether they can view and avail for the opportunity.
Higher Education Samagra Scholarship
students from low-income families receive help from the MP government through the official Samagra website. Here they can apply and also check the application status directly.
Insurance cover
The government has a particular insurance scheme for low-income families or individuals. They have programs such as the Aam Aadmi insurance scheme.
Women’s Welfare Scheme.
The Samagra scheme favors women in the state by providing various schemes such as:
- Kanya Abhibhavak pension Yojana KAPS
- Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Vidhva pension scheme.
- A scheme on marriage promotion
Pension Services to Senior Citizens
The senior citizens in the state can access their pension services from the Samagra portal. There are different schemes which help pensioners, such as:
- Samajik Suraksha Vradhawashta pension yojana
- Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Vradhawastha pension yojana
- Samajik Suraksha CWSN pension yojana
Empowering the Disabled
The government has set some policies to help the disabled community in the society.
- Samajik Suraksha Nishktjan pension.
- Mandbudhdi Bahuviklang Ko Arthik Sahayta
- Indira Gandi Rashtriya Nishakjan
Samagra Portal
Service Name | Samagra Shiksha Portal URL |
Register family | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/Pages/RequestForAddNewFamilies.aspx |
Register member | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/Pages/RegisterRequestOfNewMembersInExistingFamily.aspx |
Print the entire card | http://samagra.gov.in/Public/Dashboard/SamagraProfile.aspx?fw=sf |
Print the entire member card | http://samagra.gov.in/Public/Dashboard/SamagraSearch.aspx |
Print the entire BPL card | http://samagra.gov.in/Public/Pages/Track_BPL_Status_byId.aspx |
Update date of birth | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/RFC/DobChangeRequest.aspx |
Update Name in card | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/RFC/NameChangeRequest.aspx |
Gender Change | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/RFC/GenderChangeRequest.aspx |
Family migration Request | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/RFC/MigrateFamily.aspx |
Identify duplicate members | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/RFC/IdentifyDuplicateMember.aspx |
Identify duplicate family | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/RFC/IdentifyDuplicateFamily.aspx |
Search request by Mobile | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/RFC/SearchRequestbyMobileNo.aspx |
Search family request | http://samagra.gov.in/Citizen/RFC/SearchRequestbyMobileNoForFamily.aspx |
samagra pension | http://samagra.gov.in/SamagraPortals/Pensiones/PensionesSchemes.aspx |
For more details about Samagra Portal Register, Pension, benefits, id search, search by name and eligibility, please visit official website http://samagra.gov.in