AIR Suvidha
In India, Covid-19 quarantine protocols are different depending on the state. The rules and guidelines are based on measures that protect the state residents and incoming visitors. However, a general quarantine protocol governs all flights from Delhi to all other states. The passengers need to adhere to the Covid-19 and quarantine laws. The Delhi Airport and Ministry of Civil Aviation have developed a lasting digital solution for all passengers arriving in India.
AIR Suvidha Self Declaration Form
The Air Suvidha portal is an online contactless platform designed for traveling and arriving passengers. The portal helps ease the congestion and reduce time at the Airport. It offers convenience to both the Ministry and passengers. Now eligible passengers can conduct self-reporting and exemption process through Air Suvidha. They need to fill the forms and submit (self-declaration form/self-reporting form) online. These forms provide users to self-declare their health status and giving fast reports.
After filling the forms, the application is sent to the Airport Health Organization (APHO). The APHO works under the Ministry of Health and Family welfare. The system connects to the passenger’s email ID to provide an updated application detail. Passengers can also request for exemption after getting the self-reporting application number. However, there are five categories of people exempted from mandatory institution quarantine.
- A passenger with a dead family member.
- Pregnant women.
- People with fatal illnesses.
- Parents with children below ten years.
- A person with a Covid-19 negative certificate (RT PCR test)
Required Documents for people under the five categories
- Pregnant passengers should have a doctor’s recommendation letter.
- Passport copies for children below ten years.
- A medical certificate to prove fatal illness.
- A proof certificate such as a death or doctor certificate about the death of a family member.
- The Covid-19 negative certificate.
The self-declaration and exemption form should be filled and submitted online through the Air Suvidha portal. The process should be done 72 hours before boarding the flight. Note the exemption application can be rejected or accepted by the respective state authorities—a Covid-19 (RT-PCR negative certificate is an essential document throughout the travel period.
Air Suvidha services for individuals who request to skip institutional quarantine
Some Indian states allow passengers to take a mandatory seven-day institutional quarantine and seven days home quarantine. However, other states stick to the 10 to 14 days of institutional quarantine. The passenger can choose a hotel whereby they cater for their expenses. The government quarantine is free and offers better services.
Note the Air Suvidha portal contactless system will take effect from 8th August. The platform is open to international arrivals. The applicants should use the link The transitional process is from 8th August to 11th August. Passengers and all stakeholders will participate in the digital shift.
- Users can access the online application forms through the Air Suvidha portal Next, enter the mandatory details and submit to receive the acknowledgment details/reference number on your email ID.
- The passenger should present the reference number at the APHO counter. After approval, the APHO officer will stamp the boarding pass. This show the digital process is complete, and passenger can go to immigration.
- The APHO will have the details throughout. Note if the applicant selects “YES” for one or more Covid symptoms. The application will turn red, and for no symptoms, the application turns green.
- The APHO will create a green channel for passengers with a prefilled digital declaration form.
- Note that the authorities will accept both manual and digital forms during the change from manual to digital.
- The APHO also pleads with passengers to share the Air Suvidha portal link with many people.
- After the transition process, the manual self-declaration forms won’t be considered anymore.
- The BIO will access data from their databases by logging in.
State Authorities
- State authorities should address the exemption request.
- To apply for exemption from institutional quarantine. The applicant should apply 72 hours before boarding the flight.
- The state which holds the airport will determine the exemption results.
- The state allows for multiple login processes to help minimize and clear the application processing.
- Passengers can expect rejection or approval results on their email ID.
- The approved passenger will show the application to the state official. They will get stamped on their hand to proceed out of the terminal. The passengers should take a home quarantine.
The Airport operators
- They should create KIOSKs to help passengers upload their self-declaration forms once they arrive at the airport.
- The operators should offer notifications and announcements on “DO and DON’T’s during the Covid situation.
- They should organize the movement of passengers with RT PCR negative certificates and green applications.
- Airlines should offer convenient departure intervals to avoid congestion.
- Help in checking the self-declaration during check-in and boarding.
- They need to spread awareness about the new digital self-declaration system. This will help in fast processing and reduce the queuing at the Airport.
- Help in displaying the link from 8th August.
- The CISF should help with security matters.
- They should also collaborate with all stakeholders to help achieve the flow from passenger arrival to exit based on MoHFW.
The customs department should collaborate with all departments to ensure the smooth running of activities.
Note everyone should help spread awareness on the self-declaration and exemption digital platform. For any inquiry, users can write to

AIR Suvidha Portal
Track Application Status | |
Fill Self Declaration Form | |
Edit Self Declaration Form | |
Apply for exemption | |
RT PCR Test and get exempted from quarantine in India | |
Can i Download air suvidha self declaration form
No not available. you need to apply through online portal link
Can i Take RTPCR Test at Covid-19 Testing Centre & Lounge at Delhi Airport
Yes, you can, visit this link
How can i get exempted from quarantine in India (For international passengers)
Take RT PCR test to get exempted from quarantine in India
AIR Suvidha Portal
Direct link:
For more details about AIR Suvidha Self Declaration Form, air suvidha exemption request visit this link
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