Uttar Pradesh (UP) Berojgari Bhatta Yojana apply online Registration 2023, process, objective eligibility criteria at http://sewayojan.up.nic.in/. उत्तर प्रदेश प्रधानमंत्री बेरोजगारी भत्ता योजना 2023 at Sewayojan.up.nic.in
Berojgari Bhatta Yojana
UP Berojgari Bhatta Yojana 2023: Educated but unemployed is the common frustration for so many youths in Uttar Pradesh state. The state has thousands of young people who have a proper education. However, the economy and the job sector is unfriendly. To curb this, the UP government has introduced a unique scheme which funds youths. The Berojgari Bhatta scheme is the legal establishment by the state government for the state youths. Applicants need to register tough the online link (http://sewayojan.up.nic.in/) to access financial assistance. The government allocates Rs. 1000 to Rs 1500 to the beneficiary. The scheme is designed for youth only aged 21 to 35 years.
बेरोजगारी भत्ता योजना

Eligibility criteria for Berojgari Bhatta Yojana
- The applicant should be a youth aged 21-35 years.
- They must be a permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh.
- Applicants shouldn’t be employed at the time of registering or applying.
- The applicant’s family income should be less than Rs—3 lakh.
- Education level should be 12th pass.
Required documents for the UP Berojgari Bhatta Yojana
- Applicant’s Aadhaar card.
- A residence certificate
- Birth certificate
- Operational email id and mobile number.
- A bonafide certificate.
- An Affirmation
- NON-judicial stamp paper Rs10
UP Berojgari Bhatta Registration 2023 Process
Step by step Berojgari Bhatta Registration 2023
- Open the Berojgari Bhatta Yojana-integrated employment website page https://sewayojan.up.nic.in/
- On the homepage, select the option “Registration”.
- The system will display the registration form. Enter the required details such as category, name, email id, password and username/id. Upload the documents to proceed.
- Now recheck the information and click the submit button.
- After submitting the form, now enter your education details as requested by the page.
- Next upload your photo and signature the select submit button.
Berojgari Bhatta Login
How to login to UP Berojgari Bhatta
- Go to the Berojgari Bhatta Yojana-integrated employment portal UP.
- http://sewayojan.up.nic.in/
- On the homepage click the login button, enter your user id and password to continue.
- Now select the submit button and login to the portal.
Searching for Government Job using Berojgari Bhatta Portal
- Visit the Berojgari Bhatta Yojana –integrated employment portal UP.
- On the homepage, select the option “Government job.”
- A new page will display with details such as department, district, type of recruitment, recruitment group and kind of post.
- Check the information before pressing the search button. If okay, proceed and search for the available opening in the particular department.
- The system will show information on the screen select what best for your qualifications.
Benefits of Berojgari Bhatta Scheme
Employment is a significant part of one’s life; it helps boost their livelihood and the state economy. The Government initiative has benefited many young people in the state.
- The scheme helps young people improve their lives as they can opt to start businesses.
- Unemployment will reduce as many will operate a new business.
- The amount will help youth look for jobs by processing the right documents without financial strain.
- The scheme keeps the youths busy, which reduces crimes and drug use.
For any helps about the scheme, one can refer to phone number 0522-2638996, 917839454211. The numbers are operation from Monday to Friday from 10:00 Am to 6:00 Pm.