Uttar Pradesh Free Laptop Yojana Registration and Application Process | यूपी फ्री लैपटॉप योजना ऑनलाइन रजिस्ट्रेशन 2023 at Upcmo.up.nic.in
UP Free Laptop Yojana
The current education system is easy to integrate new technologies to enhance knowledge and skills. Students are learning a comprehensive system that allows them to venture into different fields after education. Technology opens new fields and helps students tackle issues better compared to the old education system. Today computer studies are basic knowledge which is common in many schools. The Uttar Pradesh state government has embraced technology and introduced the digital system in schools.
The CM Shri Yogi Adiyanath has officiated a digital scheme among class 10th and class 12th students. The UP free laptop Yojana (UP Muft laptop yojana 2021) was developed to help increase digital knowledge among students. Students acquiring 65% are eligible to apply for the scheme online.
The UP Free Laptop Yojana scheme application process is open from October 2021. The state government hasn’t offered a closing date for the scheme yet. To register and apply, students should open the link http://upcmo.up.nic.in In Uttar Pradesh state government aims at producing 25 lakhs laptops at a set budget of Rs. 1800 Crore. Note that the scheme is open to all class 10th and 12th students with high marks and from any caste. There is no discrimination based on any category.

Objectives of UP Free Laptop Scheme
The Up free laptop scheme is designed to sensitize digital services and education in schools. This will help young people and children embrace the new technologies.
- Motivate students to work harder in school.
- Improve and open up great possibilities in children.
- Modify education and embrace technology.
- Provide quality education to all students
- Help introduce digital facilities in educational institutions.
Eligibility Criteria
To avail of the laptop scheme, the government requires the applicant to fulfil the following criteria. The state government is still formulating the eligibility criteria but has the basics as follows.
- The applicant must be a permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh state.
- They must provide a residence certificate as a proof document.
- Education proof details of high marks 65% for their class 10th and class 12th standard.
- The applicant/student must be a pass out of the UP board.
- Students should attain 65% to 70% to qualify for the scheme.
Required Documents
- The mark sheet of class 10th and class 12th standard
- Aadhaar card
- Recent photograph
- Residence certificate
UP Free Laptop Yojana 2023 Online Registration
UP Free Laptop Application 2023 Process: After checking the eligibility criteria and acquiring the documents, the applicant can apply for the scheme online. The registration and application process is not developed but is in progress.
- Visit the UP free laptop Yojana website page
- via the link www.up.gov.in (or) http://upcmo.up.nic.in
- On the homepage Click the “apply online” option
- The system will display the application form
- That should be filled with mandatory details: education information, applicant’s information and upload the required documents.
- Recheck the details
- And click submit button to complete the process.
To open the website, one requires login credentials such as login ID and password details. This will help the user avail any all services in the UP free laptop Yojana.
How much is the application process?
The whole process is free for eligible applicants.
Who is eligible for the UP free laptop scheme?
The student in class 10th and class 12th are eligible schemes. They should attain 65% in their exams to benefit from the scheme.
I cannot access application forms?
The government hasn’t completed modifying the website portal.However, the application forms will be available soon.
UP Free Laptop Yojana List 2023
Direct link: http://upcmo.up.nic.in
For more information visit this Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Office, Lucknow website link http://upcmo.up.nic.in