CSC District Manager contact number 2024. District manager available in the nearest csc office | CSC Office Near me/ Common Service Center State Head Mobile Number 2024 at
CSC District Manager
The CSC VLE can enjoy manual services at the district levels in every State in India. The CSC SPV has established CSC offices at the district to ensure equal help to all CSC VLEs. Each district is allocated one or two CSC district managers to help solve different problems presented at the offices. The CSC district managers are legal employees who receive monthly payments (rough of Rs.25 to 35 thousand). This move will help many CSC VLEs to resolve complex issues efficiently through the physical offices.

About Common Service Center District Manager
The Common service center is a famous organization working in Indian states. More than 3 lakh residents highly utilize the service through the digital Seva system. The online system is sometimes overwhelmed by the number of requests and inquiries sent by CSC users. It’s challenging for the CSC operator to handle many CSC VLEs at central and state levels.
CSC district manager is appoint to help solve the district level issue and relieve the C S C operator. The CSC districtmanager help manages all the Common Service Center in the district and helps solve problems as directed by users.
The CSC E-governance services India limited
CSC E-governance service India limited is a large and famous company in India. It operates under the Ministry of IT government of India. The government-owned organization helps situate a Common Service Center district manager in every village/district. The Ministry of Electronica and Communication offers government scheme and B2B services through the village Panchayat. All the services work under one scheme to help the backward communities and rural areas in the Country. The Indian government launched the CSC VLE scheme to assist all eligible users with different problems.
CSC Center
The CSC center is operated by the IT department and is found in every gram Panchayat. People with any inquiry can visit the CSC center for online documents, forms for various schemes, and other online services. The user can access government schemes, electricity bill applications, PAN cards, Aadhaar cards, life certificates, and more. To access the document, the user should pay the requested fee at the CSC center.
CSC VLE (Common Service Center)
All CSC operates in villages, and states are refer to as CSC VLE. The CSC VLE has a unique ID that the CSC SPV provides. The login ID helps the CSC VLE log in to the government service portal and offer government services. The government should pay the CSC VLEs.
CSC District Manager Contact Number
The CSC operator appoints the CSC district manager to assist in the village and districts. The Common Service Center district manager is found at the NIC office of the districts. Common Service Center district manager solves issues for the VLE at the gram Panchayat. They also forward any challenging problem to the CSC state office. A Common Service Center district manager provides information on government projects, offers communication received from district administration to CSC VLE. The CSC district manager should serve all people equally without discrimination.
CSC State Head
The Common Service Center state head works the same as the CSC district manager but at the state level. They are appoint to work at States and provide guidance to CSC district managers. They check on corruption cases and other complex issues at the state and district levels.
CSC Helpdesk Number
Only for the Non VLE | 011-49754924 |
Only for the VLE | 1800-121-3468 |
What are the duties of the CSC district manager?
The CSC district manager should provide government services to people seeking help at the district level. They are situated in the villages and districts. They offer various services fast on behalf of CSC operators. CSC district managers are full-time employees who receive a salary every month.
What is the difference between the CSC district manager and CSC state head?
The CSC district manager handles services at are village and district levels while the CSC state headworks at the state level and manages CSC district managers at their states.