How to Close or Cancel YES Bank Credit Card, YES Bank Credit Card Cancellation Process

The YES Bank Credit Card Cancellation Process Online, Email id, Letter. How to Close or Cancel YES Bank Credit Card step by step procedure given below.

India holds many famous banks with remarkable history of great services. There are private and public banks that serve millions of Indian residents. The YES Bank is a private financial establishment launched by Kapoor and Ashok Kapur in 2004. The bank offers various banking and financial services to millions of customers around India. Credit card issuance is among the banking service provided by YES bank. The eligible customer has a variety of credit card types to choose from. However, the applicant must fulfill the eligibility criteria before accessing the credit card.

How to Close or Cancel YES Bank Credit Card

YES Credit Card: A credit card is a significant financial card that allows users to shop or pay by borrowing and prepaying at particular interest. A credit card helps one to create a good or bad credit history. Many factors determine whether an applicant is qualified for a credit card.

Factors affecting YES Bank credit card eligibility

  • Age of Applicant

Credit issuance is determined by credit history. Young applicants might lack credit history, which leads to request rejection.

  • Income

The bank set a minimum income amount that the applicant should reach. If the minimum income is less than the set amount, the bank cannot offer a credit card.

  • The Gross Monthly Debt

Credit card users need to check on their credit spending to keep a good credit score. The bank reviews the debt amount and compares it with the total monthly income.

  • Applicants Credit Score

The user’s credit history and the score determines your eligibility to apply for a credit card.

  • Number of Credit Cards

It’s not advisable to apply for multiple cards while others are still in the verification process. The cards tend to lead to debts and create bad scores.

Required Document for YES Bank credit card application

YES, Bank users requesting credit cards need to provide identity and address proof documents.

  • NREGA job card.
  • Passport
  • Voter ID
  • Ration card
  • Pan card
  • Driving license
  • An official letter from the National population register.
  • Aadhaar card.
  • Form 60.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applicant must be employed or self-employed.
  • An applicant should be 21 years to 60 years.
  • One should have a monthly income (net) of Rs. 25,000.
  • The income tax return should be Rs. 5 lakhs or more.

YES Bank Credit Card Cancellation

YES Bank Credit Card Cancellation

How to Close or Cancel YES Bank Credit Card

The credit card holder who needs to close or cancel the YES credit card must request the bank for the cancellation process. Users have many reasons for closing credit cards, which the bank helps the process. The user should clear several practices before permanently closing a credit card.

Important practices before closing YES credit card

Clear the outstanding balance

Suppose the credit card user has an outstanding balance; they cannot close or cancel until it’s fully paid. Ensure to clear any debt from other linked cards for the request to go through.

Redeeming reward points

The majority of credit cards provide users with reward points which they can redeem for any gift based on the Bank. The YES bank offers 30 days for credit card users to redeem the points. Once redeemed, the bank can close or cancel the credit card.

Cut the card up

The credit cardholder should send the request letter and a copy of the cut or defaced card. The card needs to be cut diagonally or across the magnetic chip. The number shouldn’t be visible.

Cancel the automatic payments

Most users get automatic bill payments through credit cards. Some link their credit cards to other banking platforms for easy payments. One should cancel or delink the card before closing it permanently.

How to Cancel YES Credit Card

The user should either call or send a cancellation request letter to the address to close the credit card.

YES BANK Limited, One India Bulls Park,
No.14, 3rd Main Road,
Ambattur Industrial Estate, Ambattur

The cardholder can also call YES Bank customer number 1800-103-6000 or 1800-103-1212.

Credit Score After Closing a Yes Credit Card

The credit information bureaus have access to any credit card history. They can check on a closed card and determine facts such as money sources being closed from the user’s profile. The card also shows the credit utilization ratio CUO. This means the money available and the amount spent. If the amount doesn’t balance, the results are more spending than what the user has. This negatively stains your credit card score.


  1. How can I redeem reward points before closing my YES credit card?

    The YES bank credit card offers different prices, which users can check on the catalog. However, when closing a card user can redeem before the 30-days period elapses. The user can call the bank or visit the branch to request help. One can also redeem by logging in to the net banking platform or bank’s website and requesting reward points.

  2. Can I regain my credit card after closing it down?

    The user must visit the bank for help to retrieve the credit card since the Bank has permanently closed the previous credit card.

For more details about How to Close or Cancel YES Bank Credit Card Online, Email id visit this link